Ancestral Trails ~ Life in the Past Lane

An ongoing family history research project by David A. Walker

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, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada



Matches 1 to 76 of 76

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Birth    Person ID 
1 BINNS, Margaretta LeDret  2 Jul 1852, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I96947
2 BRACE, Bertha Bread  23 Aug 1880, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I16346
3 BREHAUT, Lowell Milton  3 Feb 1923, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I113172
4 BROWN, Constance Joan  23 Oct 1941, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I943
5 BROWN, Flora Ann  20 Jan 1857, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I13151
6 BURNS, A. Byron  8 Jan 1914, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I17836
7 CAMPBELL, David Sidney  11 Sep 1933, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I39300
8 CAMPBELL, Isobel  12 Aug 1942, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I37779
9 CAMPBELL, James Howard  24 Jul 1846, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I37915
10 CAMPBELL, Mary Elizabeth  6 Dec 1928, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I39294
11 CANNON, Alder Clifford  Abt 1914, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99209
12 CONNOLLY, Charles  4 Nov 1882, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I15350
13 COREY, Helen  2 Jan 1895, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I86727
14 CORNEY, Arthur Harold  14 Feb 1888, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I17886
15 CORNEY, Muriel Doris  8 Dec 1906, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I100291
16 COUSINS, Robert Allister  Abt 1943, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I112175
17 CRAIG, Virginia Valentine  14 Feb 1920, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I9263
18 CUTCLIFFE, Adelma  1923, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I103055
19 DARRACH, John D.  1921, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I100041
20 DAVISON, Maria  14 Apr 1820, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I12539
21 DODD, Frances Mary Walker  4 May 1875, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I104839
22 DODD, Lillian Hammond  13 Jul 1877, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I104841
23 DOWNE, William  , Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I13102
24 FOSTER, Charlotte  1826, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I11449
25 FRASER, James Rowland  19 Jun 1916, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I37598
26 GARDINER, Thomas  8 May 1796, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I71290
27 LARTER, Elinor Maye  17 Jun 1922, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I21022
28 LEITCH, Roy  9 Nov 1884, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I103744
29 LUND, James Allan  14 May 1908, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I17716
30 MACDONALD, Charles Edison  8 Oct 1876, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I97254
31 MACDONALD, Harold Gould  Between 1881 and 1885, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I14473
32 MACDONALD, John Irwin  2 Aug 1954, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I26676
33 MACDONALD, Malcolm Earl  27 May 1925, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I20646
34 MACDONALD, Philip John  3 Jul 1941, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I26647
35 MACLENNAN, Anne Elizabeth  18 Jan 1913, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I34603
36 MACLEOD, Allison Archibald  13 Dec 1920, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I11226
37 MACLEOD, Norma Jean  4 Jul 1935, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I17507
38 MACMILLAN, Claude  , Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I31673
39 MANN, Elizabeth Pearl  14 Dec 1928, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I22062
40 MCCLOSKEY, Carl  , Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I19797
41 MCCLOSKEY, Charlotte  , Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I12162
42 MCCLOSKEY, Darren  , Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I12163
43 MCCLOSKEY, Joan  , Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I12160
44 MCCLOSKEY, Lorna  , Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I12161
45 MCKENZIE, John  , Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I13475
46 MCKINLEY, Helen Christine  28 Aug 1914, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I21456
47 MCLAUGHLIN, Charles  6 Dec 1885, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I102866
48 MCLELLAN, Stephen  Abt 1835, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I73467
49 MILLNER, Jane  1881, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I106623
50 MORESIDE, William James  4 Jul 1924, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I19051
51 MORRIS, Helen Frances  24 Nov 1915, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I19050
52 MORRISON, Melony Jeannene  21 Feb 1962, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I24877
53 MUGFORD, Samuel Alexander  , Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I103800
54 OULTON, Joan Claire  1925, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I104796
55 PETERS, Phyllis Barbara  22 Sep 1919, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I56619
56 PURDY, Millicent Ida  18 Dec 1891, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I1276
57 RATTENBURY, Maude  1888, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99968
58 RAYNER, Loring  1911, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I71876
59 ROBERTS, Elizabeth Jean  , Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I924
60 ROBINSON, John William  15 Mar 1813, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I35242
61 ROGERS, Benjamin  4 Dec 1902, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I16055
62 SAUNDERS, Norman Macleod  3 Jun 1914, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I16905
63 SCHURMAN, Inez Felle Grace  9 Sep 1888, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I14550
64 SCHURMAN, Robert Benjamin  5 Dec 1970, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I31644
65 SIMMONDS, Percival Macdonald  5 Aug 1922, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I16237
66 SMALL, Lottie Jean  2 May 1878, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I104846
67 SMITH, Georgina  , Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I10110
68 SMITH, Reta Doris  16 Jan 1935, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I100924
69 STEWART, Annette  21 Apr 1923, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I11227
70 TANTON, Adelaide Georgina  4 Apr 1860, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I112856
71 THOMPSON, Elizabeth  17 May 1829, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I12643
72 TOWNSHEND, Sydney Hibbard  23 May 1900, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99361
73 WEBSTER, Horatio  Abt 1784, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I110356
74 WIGGINS, Charles Kingsley  31 Mar 1917, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I107905
75 WRIGHT, Mary Catherine  18 Oct 1964, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I68270
76 WRIGHT, Robert Lewis  9 Mar 1964, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I26672


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Christening    Person ID 
1 TOWNSHEND, Hester Wray  24 Feb 1802, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I81840


Matches 1 to 100 of 123

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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Death    Person ID 
1 BAKER, Albert Edwin  10 Oct 1956, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I14137
2 BALLANTYNE, Elizabeth Gordon  23 Aug 1974, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I926
3 BARLOW, Lowell Howard  13 Mar 1976, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I107638
4 BARWISE, Joseph Peter  4 Jun 1950, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I13841
5 BAYLIS, Eileen Bertha  8 Dec 1984, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I39306
6 BEAIRSTO, George  18 Aug 1891, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I96955
7 BEATTIE, Thomas Wilfred  9 Apr 1923, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I13710
8 BELL, Esther Huston  9 Jun 1966, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I15040
9 BERNARD, Hattie Myrtle  25 Aug 2007, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99009
10 BIGGAR, Bertie  23 Nov 1963, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I14654
11 BOWNESS, Donald Edwin  2012, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I112976
12 BRANDER, Edna Grace  18 Sep 1971, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I15072
13 BROWN, Flora Ann  16 Oct 1937, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I13151
14 BROWN, George Edwin Sr.  19 Feb 1951, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I689
15 BROWN, Nettie Evelyn  12 Jun 1967, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I690
16 BROWN, William Warburton  Sep 1983, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I917
17 BURNS, Georgie Thelma  3 Dec 1953, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I17835
18 CAMERON, Clarence Hugh  , Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I100018
19 CAMPBELL, Carolyn Ruth  21 Feb 2017, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I37710
20 CAMPBELL, Donald Alexander  29 Nov 1984, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I37968
21 CAMPBELL, Eliza  Jun 1925, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I14614
22 CAMPBELL, James Oliver Clair  2 Oct 1961, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I39292
23 CANNON, George Robert  12 Jul 1971, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I96666
24 CANNON, Harold Leo  28 Dec 1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I104345
25 CARRUTHERS, Sarah Jane  5 Mar 1915, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99858
26 CLARK, David Lawson  6 Sep 1958, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I18388
27 CLARK, Ella Blanche  5 Feb 1914, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I103721
28 CLARK, Francis W.  1953, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I110443
29 CLARK, John Artemas  9 Aug 1970, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I11899
30 CLARK, Russell Charles  15 Jul 1964, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I94417
31 CLARK, Soloman Crawford  29 Mar 1932, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I94416
32 CLARK, Stirling Kenneth  2 Sep 1979, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I103755
33 CLARK, Susan Priscilla  1979, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I14220
34 CLARK, William Charles  25 Dec 1958, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I15001
35 COUSINS, Herman  22 Jan 2009, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I103042
36 COUSINS, LLoyd George  31 Jan 2013, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I105573
37 CRASWELL, Elijah  19 Jul 1923, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I13435
38 DICKIE, John Wilbert  1981, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I100016
39 DODD, Thomas Walker  22 Sep 1900, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I71295
40 DODD, William  1898, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I104821
41 DRAKE, John  8 Nov 1922, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I112154
42 DUCHEMIN, Alfred Compton  1955, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I102980
43 FORD, Lionel Haslam  Jan 1997, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I18916
44 FORD, Margaret Edith  2 Feb 1999, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I18920
45 GREEN, Charlotte Cousins  1 Feb 1861, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I13406
46 GREEN, Preston M.  14 Jul 1967, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I15334
47 HARDING, Bessie Iola  26 Jan 1971, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I18520
48 HARDING, Dellis Roy  29 Apr 1935, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I18599
49 HOGG, Jane Wilhelmina  12 May 1995, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I20856
50 HOWATT, William J.  12 Aug 1957, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I35164
51 HUESTIS, Annie Elizabeth  8 Jul 1951, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I9176
52 HUESTIS, James  , Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I110806
53 HUGHES, Erma  27 Jun 1986, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I37694
54 JARDINE, Benjamin Campbell  1927, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I98819
55 LAFFERTY, Flora Blanche  18 May 1964, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I17715
56 LAFFERTY, James Frank  Jun 1955, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I14553
57 LARGE, Wilmot S.  19 Apr 1967, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I95953
58 LAWLESS, James  7 Oct 1950, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I13341
59 LEARD, Waldron Haslam  26 Feb 2015, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I25138
60 LEITCH, Wallace W.  21 Nov 1914, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I103741
61 LINKLETTER, Charles Ernest  5 Sep 1998, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I17607
62 LUND, James Allan  23 May 1955, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I17716
63 MACDONALD, John Irwin  16 Aug 1954, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I26676
64 MACGOUGAN, David  26 Dec 1918, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I36903
65 MACKENZIE, Hon. Walter Grant  21 Oct 1956, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I38944
66 MACLEAN, Juanita  26 Jan 2001, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I105415
67 MACLEOD, Margaret L.  11 Apr 1963, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I1028
68 MASSY, Hugh James Sr.  1899, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I12851
69 MATHESON, William Clifton  9 Jul 1987, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I105416
70 MATHIESON, Dora Ella  3 Jan 1983, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I39293
71 MONTGOMERY, Leona  27 Jun 1963, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I16338
72 MORRISON, Melony Jeannene  23 May 1962, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I24877
73 MURCHISON, Norma Catherine  Dec 1985, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I918
74 MURPHY, Mary Alice  1952, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I13416
75 MUTTART, George Metherall  15 Jan 1977, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I28400
76 MUTTART, Millicent Azetta  22 Sep 1973, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I22963
77 PANTRY, James Louis  2 Jun 1991, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I36952
78 PATTERSON, Garnet Earl  17 Aug 2014, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I42314
79 PEARSON, Alice Mary Wright  1963, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I14507
80 RAYNER, William Rayworth  24 Dec 1990, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I103622
81 READ, Dean Carruthers  Bef 2008, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I100742
82 READ, Ethel J.  1967, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99985
83 READ, Gladys Adele  31 May 1995, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I100008
84 READ, John Earl  29 Mar 1985, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99863
85 RICHARDSON, Emily Margaret Ida Violet  25 Oct 1998, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I102509
86 ROGERS, Annie Hester  19 Oct 1970, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I15387
87 SCHURMAN, Elizabeth  1 Jun 1829, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I12467
88 SCHURMAN, Ellis M.  30 May 1920, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I12995
89 SCHURMAN, Inez Felle Grace  21 Apr 1962, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I14550
90 SCHURMAN, Leonard Abraham  19 Aug 1961, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I13159
91 SCHURMAN, Lillian Isabell  12 Dec 1971, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I14598
92 SCHURMAN, Lottie Louisa  6 Dec 1949, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I14531
93 SCHURMAN, William Cotton  8 Sep 1970, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I13817
94 SCHURMAN, William Gordon  21 Jan 1939, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I13148
95 SIMPSON, Clemmie Barbara  May 1970, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I12101
96 SIMPSON, Eliza Blanche  Aft Sep 1973, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I12045
97 SIMPSON, Enid  13 Feb 1960, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I11950
98 SIMS, Hartle Ernest  21 Aug 1966, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I18439
99 SINCLAIR, Rebecca Earith  9 Dec 1989, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I72313
100 SMALLMAN, Milton Everett  14 Oct 1962, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I16030

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Alt-Birth Date

Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Alt-Birth Date    Person ID 
1 MACLENNAN, Anne Elizabeth  7 Oct 1913, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I34603


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   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Alt-Death    Person ID 
1 HOPE, Jennett  9 Feb 1926, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I45817


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    BirthStill    Person ID 
1 MACDONALD, Margaret Ann  24 Jan 1964, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I26679


Matches 1 to 65 of 65

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Census    Person ID 
1 BOWNESS, Byron  1931, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I100779
2 BOWNESS, Gordon Sutherland  1931, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I102254
3 BROWN, Nettie Evelyn  1931, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I690
4 BROWN, William Warburton  1931, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I917
5 BURNARD, Emma Matilda  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I97668
6 CANNON, Albert Edmund  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I101680
7 CANNON, Albert Leslie  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I104342
8 CANNON, Artemas Herbert  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I104343
9 CANNON, Frank Hurtle  10 Jun 1911, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I96660
10 CANNON, Harold Leo  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I104345
11 CANNON, Hazel N.  10 Jun 1911, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I104346
12 CANNON, Joseph Milton  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I104344
13 CANNON, Margaret Pearl  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I104341
14 CANNON, Ralph C.  10 Jun 1911, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I104347
15 CLARK, Margaret Euphemia  1 Jun 1921, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I93570
16 GRADY, Harry Hanford  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I15424
17 GRADY, Thomas B.  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I5343
18 HARVEY, Mary Eliza Mae  10 Jun 1911, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I96700
19 HYDE, Gertrude Penelope  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I111056
20 HYNDMAN, Alexander William  2 Jun 1891, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99634
21 HYNDMAN, Alexander William  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99634
22 HYNDMAN, Annie Carrie  2 Jun 1891, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99630
23 HYNDMAN, Charles Augustus  2 Jun 1891, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99624
24 HYNDMAN, Charles Augustus  2 Jun 1891, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99626
25 HYNDMAN, Charles Augustus  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99626
26 HYNDMAN, Charles Augustus  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99624
27 HYNDMAN, Cyrus West  2 Jun 1891, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99628
28 HYNDMAN, Harry Harland  2 Jun 1891, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99633
29 HYNDMAN, Harry Harland  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99633
30 HYNDMAN, James Duncan  2 Jun 1891, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I45809
31 HYNDMAN, Katie Edith  2 Jun 1891, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99629
32 HYNDMAN, Mary Hellen  2 Jun 1891, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99635
33 HYNDMAN, Matilda Blanche  2 Jun 1891, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99627
34 HYNDMAN, Minnie  2 Jun 1891, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99631
35 HYNDMAN, Thomas  2 Jun 1891, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99632
36 LOCKE, Cora Bell  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I874
37 MCCONNELL, Dorothy C.  1921, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I113111
38 MCDONALD, Catherine  2 Jun 1891, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99625
39 MCDONALD, Catherine  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99625
40 MCINNIS, James  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I113452
41 MURCHISON, Norma Catherine  1931, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I918
42 NORTON, Bernice  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I111069
43 NORTON, Byron  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I111067
44 NORTON, Ethel Vere  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I111068
45 PURDY, Florence  1 Jun 1921, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I114366
46 PURDY, Marjorie Louise  1 Jun 1921, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I114367
47 STEWART, Harold Preston  1931, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I1988
48 TANTON, Ada Ellen  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I112527
49 TANTON, Ada Ellen  1921, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I112527
50 TANTON, Cora Blanche  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I113102
51 TANTON, Cora Blanche  1921, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I113102
52 TANTON, Doris  1921, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I113104
53 TANTON, Edison Cecil  1921, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I113105
54 TANTON, Eleanor  1921, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I113109
55 TANTON, Elsie D.  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I113099
56 TANTON, Gladys  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I113101
57 TANTON, Gladys  1921, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I113101
58 TANTON, Lewis Philkins  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I113098
59 TANTON, Lewis Philkins  1921, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I113098
60 TANTON, Mary E.  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I113100
61 TANTON, Mildred Olive  1921, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I113103
62 TANTON, Willard Darrold  1921, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I113106
63 WALLACE, Margaret Ann  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I102927
64 WALSH, Jennie Evelyn  1931, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I100776
65 WESTCOTT, Margaret Jane  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I104299


Matches 1 to 37 of 37

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Living    Person ID 
1 Gladys S.  1929, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I107906
2 Karen  2011, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99489
3 Virginia  2020, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99657
4 BEAIRSTO, Cory  2009, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I37594
5 BLACK, Sarah Elma  1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I13095
6 BOWES, Ian  2011, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99505
7 BOWNESS, Byron  1944, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I100779
8 CAMPBELL, Dawn  2015, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I105139
9 COUGHLIN, Helen  2018, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I108821
10 CROZIER, Diane  2022, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I114785
11 CURRIE, Charla  2020, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I112033
12 DUMVILLE, Wilbert  2018, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I108822
13 FITZGERALD, Jeoffrey  1951, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I45821
14 FORBES, Trevor  2014, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I103314
15 GETSON, Lindsey  2016, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I107180
16 HALL, Roxanne  2015, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I105783
17 HARPER, Jeremy  2015, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I105140
18 HARPER, Lauren  2015, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I105145
19 HARPER, Ryan  2015, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I105146
20 HOLMAN, Alan Hathaway  1971, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I107917
21 KOUGHAN, Brian  2020, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99658
22 MACLEAN, David Leigh  2021, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I68340
23 MARCHBANK, Geraldine Mary  2011, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I63
24 MURLEY, Bonnie  2009, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I103851
25 PAYNTER, Adam  2011, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I99488
26 PEYTON, Agnes Mary  1918, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I96456
27 RAYNER, Loring  1997, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I71876
28 RAYNER, Velma  2016, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I106373
29 READ, John Lefurgey Sr.  2023, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I100020
30 SIMPSON, Patsy  2013, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I103561
31 WALKER, Gertrude Marion Taylor  1942, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I366
32 WALKER, Lillian Ada  1958, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I100840
33 WALKER, Velda C.  1973, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I97525
34 WALSH, Jennie Evelyn  1944, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I100776
35 WIGGINS, Flora Annie Hope  1951, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I1881
36 WRIGHT, Wilfred Clark  1929, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I103632
37 WRIGHT, Wilfred Clark  1971, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I103632


Matches 1 to 6 of 6

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Milit-Beg    Person ID 
1 BARTLETT, George Ashley  19 Jun 1940, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I105840
2 BREHAUT, Lowell Milton  3 Jun 1941, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I113172
3 CANNON, Albert Leslie  31 May 1916, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I104342
4 CANNON, Albert Leslie  31 May 1916, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I104342
5 CANNON, Joseph Milton  1 Sep 1916, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I104344
6 SHERREN, William Douglas  4 Jan 1941, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I112098


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Moved    Person ID 
1 HOLMAN, Alan Hathaway  1953, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I107917


Matches 1 to 5 of 5

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Occupation    Person ID 
1 BURNS, A. Byron  , Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I17836
2 CRASWELL, Doris Eileen  , Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I5347
3 GREEN, Edna Lucia  1971, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I15361
4 SIMMONDS, Percival Macdonald  , Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I16237
5 WAY, Trevor  , Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I69389


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    Residence    Person ID 
1 MCKINNON, Jason  2017, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I93710


Matches 1 to 1 of 1

   Last Name, Given Name(s)    ResidenceLast    Person ID 
1 WALKER, Scott  , Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada I97529


Matches 1 to 50 of 50

   Family    Marriage    Family ID 
1 BAKER / MACMILLAN  2 Sep 1931, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F3203
2 BEERS / MCLEAN  19 Jan 1921, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F24044
3 BERNARD / SILLIKER  21 Nov 1931, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F3235
4 BREHAUT / TANTON  25 Nov 1922, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F30011
5 BROWN / SAINT  27 Aug 1937, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F418
6 CAMPBELL / SMITH  4 Aug 1956, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F6140
7 CLARK / MACKAY  14 Sep 1901, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F26332
8 CLARK / NEWBERRY  30 Jul 1875, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F26325
9 COFFIN / MCKIE  24 Jan 1801, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F23127
10 COFFIN / SANDERSON  22 Oct 1794, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F22943
11 CRASWELL / HOWE  17 Nov 1920, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F15450
12 DRAKE / BARWISE  10 Nov 1948, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F4266
13 ELSTONE / HARDING  23 Nov 1946, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F3658
14 FORD / MACLENNAN  , Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F5832
15 GREEN / GALLANT  18 Jul 1938, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F2809
16 HARDING / MCNEILL  2 Nov 1932, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F3636
17 HARVEY / LEFURGEY  23 Oct 1935, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F15331
18 HASLAM / MACLENNAN  7 Aug 1933, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F3717
19 HOUSTON / GLOVER  27 Dec 1927, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F25920
20 JOHNSTON / RICHARDSON  18 Dec 1939, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F4869
21 LAMBOURN / HARDING  6 Sep 1941, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F3656
22 LOMAS / PALMER  1949, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F25772
23 MACCAULL / CALLBECK  16 Sep 1937, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F16806
24 MACCAULL / LARTER  3 Jul 1945, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F4190
25 MACLEOD / PIDGEON  21 Mar 1923, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F3648
26 MACQUARRIE / WHITE  6 Jun 1942, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F3398
27 MATHESON / MACLEAN  21 May 1947, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F26959
28 MATHESON / WEDLOCK  8 Oct 1949, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F8801
29 MCPHEE / CAMERON  29 Oct 1924, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F2639
30 MITCHELL / LAFFERTY  16 Jul 1943, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F3414
31 MOASE / JOHNSON  25 Jan 1933, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F4276
32 MORRISON / LAWLESS  28 Jun 1928, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F2773
33 OATWAY / LAFFERTY  24 Jan 1931, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F3412
34 PARKMAN / MACGREGOR  1883, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F16954
35 PARSONS / MCINNIS  18 Dec 1942, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F26362
36 RECK / RICHARDSON  4 Aug 1937, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F25826
37 ROGERS / BAGNALL  17 Nov 1944, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F3792
38 SCHURMAN / AULD  Jun 1929, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F2618
39 SCHURMAN / COTTON  28 Apr 1883, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F2233
40 SCHURMAN / DAVISON  17 Mar 1842, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F2175
41 SCHURMAN / GOULDRUP  27 Jun 1849, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F2184
42 SCHURMAN / POOLE  5 Dec 1916, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F2844
43 SHEEN / MACNEILL  1938, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F3458
44 SIMMONDS / WRIGHT  20 Sep 1946, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F3027
45 STETSON / TAYLOR  27 Dec 1933, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F2764
46 STEWART / PURDY  1 Sep 1924, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F30541
47 THOMPSON / BARWISE  25 Aug 1939, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F4267
48 WALKER / CLARK  9 Jul 1890, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F23937
49 WAUGH / MACKAY  7 Feb 1940, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F3214
50 WAYE / BAGNALL  1 Nov 1938, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F3739

Marriage License

Matches 1 to 3 of 3

   Family    Marriage License    Family ID 
1 BLACKLOCK / CLARK  12 Jun 1893, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F23514
2 CANNON / WESTCOTT  16 Jun 1891, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F26531
3 DRAKE / HYDE  2 Jun 1880, Charlottetown, Queens County, Prince Edward Island, Canada F29626

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