Name |
Hezekiah SEAMAN [1] |
Birth |
Abt 1762 [2] |
Gender |
Male |
Milit-Beg |
Between 1776 and 1783 |
,, Westchester County, New York [1, 3] |
- He joined Col. Lowther Pennington's Regiment of Kings Guards, the Westchester Loyalists.
Immigration |
1783 |
, Fort Cumberland, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia [4, 5] |
- Jacomiah Sr. immigrated with his wife and four sons to Nova Scotia, probably in the June Fleet, settling in Cumberland County. Perhaps they sailed on the Thetis, a ship that transported several loyalists to Fort Cumberland.
- Role: Witness
Biographical Note |
1785 [6] |
- Warrant to Survey, Surveyor's Report. Stephen Seaman and others, The Westchester Loyalists. The Surveyor's Certificate shows a Draft Grant: 31,750 acres. Cobequid Road, the road from Fort Cumberland to Fort Belcher, on the eastern side. Bounded in part by the northern boundary line of Londonderry, County of Cumberland. The following names appear on the Draft Grant: not all listed here, but do include Stephen Seaman, Ezekiah Seaman, John Crawford, Jacamiah Seaman and Gideon Palmer.
- Role: Witness
Loyalist Claim |
2 Nov 1786 [7] |
- Evidence of the Claim of Jacomiah Seaman late of White Plains, New York 2 November, 1786.
Claimant Sworn, Assigns the same Reason as Samuel Kipp for not Claiming under the former Act. See Page 200 of this Book. [Second Report, page 763. Ed.] He is a Native of New York Province in 1775 he lived on White Plains. He was often required to take an Oath to the Americans but he never would, neither did he sign any Association.
He did not join the British Army until 1778. He was at that time forced to flee as it was discovered he assisted Loyalists in getting into the Lines. He then joined the Refugees and continued with them until the end of the War. Now resides in Cumberland. Colonel Delancey Certifies to Loyalty and Services. Left on a Farm at White Plains growing 200 Bushels Grain 40 [pounds] Two Horses taken from him on his way into the Lines. Cash 50 [pounds] he paid for them. Two Oxen lost at the same time 35 [pounds] Two Cows lost going in 16 [pounds] A Horse lost within the Lines 18 [pounds] Left at his House, Furniture 23 [pounds] 18 [shillings] Provisions 7 [pounds] Taken from Morrisinia Wearing Apparel 14 [pounds] 10 [shillings] Farming Utensils 8 [pounds] Money entrusted with a Friend whereof he was robbed 5 Guineas and three half Joes 15 [pounds] 14 [shillings] 8 [pence]. Expenses of feeding and conducting Loyalists within the Lines 50 [pounds] Curry. Witness Hezekiah Seaman Son to Claimant Sworn. Says he lived with his Father near White Plains at the beginning of the War, his Father found great difficulty in remaining so long as 1778 without the Lines, at last he was obliged to fly for having assisted the Loyalists. He left some Furniture behind, some Farming Utensils, and some Corn on the Ground. He attempted to carry his Stock in with him but was intercepted and lost 2 Horses, 2 Oxen, and 2 Cows. He left at his Farm some Flax. Witness. Samuel Holliday Sworn, Lived in the same House with the Claimant before the War. He had some Furniture and Stock, three Cows.-Believes he hired Land to Farm, for the Crop of one year. Witness's Sister had some Money of Claimants which was taken from her Husband. Witness. John Baker Sworn, Says Claimant lodged at his House in West Chester Town in 1778 on his way to New York, and he told him two Horses were taken from him during the Night.
- Role: Witness
Land Petition |
1795 [8] |
- "Petitioners are residents of Amherst, but need more land to support their families, and discovered intervale land at Black River to which they request grants of 500 acres each." Names on petition are John Dickie, Robert Berry, Hezekiah Seaman and Stephen Seaman.
Residence |
1795 |
, Amherst, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia [8] |
Living |
1836 |
, River Philip, Cumberland County, Nova Scotia [2] |
- he was married with children.
Note |
- He joined Col. Lowther Pennington's Regiment of Kings Guards, the Westchester Loyalists.
Person ID |
I43211 |
Ancestral Trails |
Last Modified |
13 Apr 2024 |