Matches 201 to 300 of 53,108
# | Notes | Linked to |
201 | !NAME: - Brownell Genealogy by J Archer Brownell PARN: BD: DD: !NAME: - Catherine Dickie, 18/10/92 PARN: HUS: 1 son and 5 daughters | BROWNELL, Sarah Elizabeth (I43747)
202 | !NAME: - Brownell Genealogy by J Archer Brownell PARN: BD: DD: !NAME: - Catherine Dickie, 18/10/92 PARN: WIF: 9 children | BROWNELL, John (I43195)
203 | !NAME: - Brownell Genealogy by J Archer Brownell PARN: BD: DD: !NAME: - Catherine Dickie, 18/10/92 PARN: unmarried | BROWNELL, Thomas E. (I43749)
204 | !NAME: - Brownell Genealogy by J Archer Brownell PARN: BD: DD: 7 children | BROWNELL, William George (I43751)
205 | !NAME: - Brownell Genealogy by J Archer Brownell PARN: BD: DD: DP: | BROWNELL, Anna (I44720)
206 | !NAME: - Brownell Genealogy by J Archer Brownell PARN: BD: DD: | BROWNELL, Charles Wellington (I44713)
207 | !NAME: - Brownell Genealogy by J Archer Brownell PARN: BD: DD: | BROWNELL, Eliza (I44718)
208 | !NAME: - Brownell Genealogy by J Archer Brownell PARN: BD: DD: | BROWNELL, Aaron (I44719)
209 | !NAME: - Brownell Genealogy by J Archer Brownell PARN: BD: DD: | BROWNELL, Edward (I44726)
210 | !NAME: - Brownell Genealogy by J Archer Brownell PARN: BD: DD: | BROWNELL, Lavinia (I44728)
211 | !NAME: - Brownell Genealogy by J Archer Brownell PARN: BD: | BROWNELL, Jeremiah (I44727)
212 | !NAME: - Brownell Genealogy by J Archer Brownell PARN: DD:NAME: - Catherine Dickie, 18/10/92 DD: MD: WIF: NAME: - Brownell Genealogy p.62+ PARN: DD: MD: WIF: LIVED:Chapman Settlement, NS | BROWNELL, Robert (I44721)
213 | !NAME: - Brownell Genealogy by J Archer Brownell PARN: | BROWNELL, Jane (I44722)
214 | !NAME: - Brownell Genealogy by J Archer Brownell PARN: | BROWNELL, Martha (I44724)
215 | !NAME: - Brownell Genealogy by J Archer Brownell PARN: | BROWNELL, Rebecca (I44725)
216 | !NAME: - Brownell Genealogy by J Archer Brownell | BROWNELL, Timothy Thomas (I44714)
217 | !NAME: - Catherine Dickie, 18/10/92 BD: DD: MD: HUS: | DAVIS, Annie (I43758)
218 | !NAME: - Catherine Dickie, 18/10/92 HUS: of Ireland FL- Unable to discern the maiden name. Looks like Adaves. | ADAMS, Margaret (I43760)
219 | !NAME: - Catherine Dickie, 18/10/92 HUS: | POLLY, Eunice (I43196)
220 | !NAME: - Catherine Dickie, 18/10/92 HUS: | DIXON, Vinie (I43756)
221 | !NAME: - Catherine Dickie, 18/10/92 HUS: | WELDON, Margaret (I43757)
222 | !NAME: - Catherine Dickie, 18/10/92 MD: WIF: !NAME: - Jesse Church | CHURCH, Jessie (I43762)
223 | !NAME: - Catherine Dickie, 18/10/92 MD: WIF: | CHURCH, George (I43759)
224 | !NAME: - Catherine Dickie, 18/10/92 PARN: | BROWNELL, Joshua (I43621)
225 | !NAME: - Catherine Dickie, 18/10/92 PARN: | BROWNELL, William (I43622)
226 | !NAME: - Catherine Dickie, 18/10/92 PARN: | BROWNELL, Robert (I43623)
227 | !NAME: - Catherine Dickie, 18/10/92 WIF: | WELDON, Thomas (I43755)
228 | !NAME: - Dorothy MacGregor BD: | OULTON, George B. (I43157)
229 | !NAME: - Dorothy MacGregor BD: BP: DD: DP: MD: MP: HUS: | HOFF, Elizabeth Bunce (I43160)
230 | !NAME: - Dorothy MacGregor BD: BP: DD: DP: MD: MP: WIF: buried just south of San Francisco, CA; went to US in 1842 (1900 Census); in northern CA by 1861; served as state controller and two terms as state senator for San Francisco FL- Came to the United States in about 1842 at age 11.--May have settled in the Pugwash area with Charles(3)and Christine who purchase property and took out a mortgage in 1854 according to William Oulton of Christina Lake. See Letter to Mary dated 5 Jan 1990. William believes he (George) was the oldest son and so I have included that in my file with a question. William makes a further statement regarding George--the Wallace McGregors of California (who were apparently descendants of George) who William was in contact with sent William a 1861 California newspaper clipping regarding George as follows: it being a write up of George Oulton who had won the bye election.--George married and had a son Gerard who became a ships captain. He the father of Jarade Oulton who married McGregor and they the parents of Wallace McGregor.--William had a picture of "the beautiful sailing vessel called the Eliza Oulton. ..obviously named for the wife of John Oulton. This vessel established some sailing records--This John Oulton with some financial help from Thomas ..built two vessels the Alpha and the Beta in the 1860's.The Alpha was sold to a Cape Breton buyer and the Beta took a cargo of logs to England and then took sands off Florida and later was lost in the Gulf of Mexico...Now I have understood that he had the Eliza built but as yet I have no proof. I know with the loss of the Beta there were financial pressures and John fails to show in the 1871 census. He is said to have removed to California and in the family plot at Pugwash,Pamerston Cemetery is the record of he death in 1877..just check cemetery show John Oulton 1840-1877 died at Bakersfield,Kern County,California. | OULTON, George (I43159)
231 | !NAME: - Dorothy MacGregor PARN: BD:1807/1808 BP: DD:31 Jan 1881/1882 DP: IP: MD: MP: HUS: !NAME: - Catherine Dickie 18/10/92 BD:1806 DD: HUS: 61 in 1871 census 73 in 1881 census | MACLEAN, Christina (I43087)
232 | !NAME: - Dorothy MacGregor WIF: | OULTON, Gerard (I43161)
233 | !NAME: - Evelyn Bishop Smith, May 1993 PARN: CD: CP: DD: | BELLAMY, John (I42538)
234 | !NAME: - Evelyn Bishop Smith, May 1993 PARN: CD: CP: | BELLAMY, Judith (I42535)
235 | !NAME: - Evelyn Bishop Smith, May 1993 PARN: CD: CP: | BELLAMY, Mary (I42536)
236 | !NAME: - Evelyn Bishop Smith, May 1993 PARN: CD: CP: | BELLAMY, Charity (I42537)
237 | !NAME: - Evelyn Bishop Smith, May 1993 PARN: CD: CP: | BELLAMY, William (I42539)
238 | !NAME: - Evelyn Bishop Smith, May 1993 PARN: CD: CP: | BELLAMY, Patience (I42541)
239 | !NAME: - Evelyn Bishop Smith, May 1993 PARN: CD: CP: | BELLAMY, Joseph (I42542)
240 | !NAME: - Evelyn Bishop Smith, May 1993 PARN: CD: CP: | BELLAMY, Joanna (I43084)
241 | !NAME: - G W Brownell notes in PANS DD: HUS: of Shinimicas, NS | SMITH, Alma (I44275)
242 | !NAME: - G W Brownell notes in PANS MD: HUS: of Baie Verte, NB | ATWELL, Bertha Dorothy (I44278)
243 | !NAME: - G W Brownell notes in PANS PARN: MD: HUS: | TRENHOLM, Annie (I44277)
244 | !NAME: - Genealogy of Charles Dixon, p.95-104 PARN: DD: unmarried; died when her father's house burned in 1849 32 in 1851 census Died when her parent's house burned 32 in 1851 census | BULMER, Matilda (I43052)
245 | !NAME: - Genealogy of Charles Dixon, p.95-104 PARN: died in infancy Died in childhood. | LOWERISON, Hazen (I43074)
246 | !NAME: - Genealogy of Charles Dixon, p.95-104 WIF: OCC:Seaman of Westmoreland; died of consumption !MD: - Marriage Register, Westmoreland Co, NB 1790-1856 MP: NAME:William Teed?/Ford? Of Westmoreland Parish, NB | TEED, William S. (I42679)
247 | !NAME: - William Oulton, BC 1976 BD: DD: HUS: aged 75 | ANDERSON, Elizabeth (I44588)
248 | !NAME: - William Oulton, BC 1976 BD: DD: HUS: died aged 64 | POTTER, Olive Tourtelotte (I42778)
249 | !NAME: - William Oulton, Christianna Lake, BC BD: DD: MD: WIF: LIVED:Salmon Arm, BC aged 77 -RO Edward Tweeddale | TWEEDDALE, John Risteen (I44132)
250 | !NAME: - William Oulton, Christianna Lake, BC WIF: MP: | LEE, Herbert Heatherington (I44135)
251 | !NAME: - William Oulton, Christianna Lake, BC WIF: of Somerville, MA | FOSTER, Thornton F. (I44139)
252 | !NAME: - William Oulton, Christianna Lake, BC WIF: of Wilkie, SK | MCKIM, O. C. (I44133)
253 | !NAME:Christinah Somers - First Families in NB in her 82 year | SOMERS, Anna Christianna (I43225)
254 | !NAME:Edward Trenholme - PER0233 MD:Nov 1701 MP:Welbury Parish, Yorkshire, England WIF:Joanna or Joan .. ID:5 Jan 1739 IP:Welbury Parish, Yorkshire, England OCC:Yeoman only year given in e-mail also gave age at death as 48 implying date of birth ca. 1691, date of death most likely wrong | TRENHOLME, Edward (I42689)
255 | !NAME:Eliza Mitten - BOK0028 p194 HUS:William Lane MD:19 Oct 1852 she of Botsford Parish !PARN:Richard Mitten - CEN (1851 Westmorland) BD:abt 1932!NAME:Eliza Mitten - BOK0028 p194 HUS:William Lane MD:19 Oct 1852 she of Botsford Parish !PARN:Richard Mitten - CEN (1851 Westmorland) BD:abt 1932 19 in 1851 census 19 in 1851 census | MITTEN, Eliza (I44627)
256 | !NAME:Jane .. - PER0233 ID:23 Jul 1761 IP:Welbury Parish, Yorkshire, England only year given in e-mail | ?, Jane (I42650)
257 | !NAME:Joanna or Joan .. - PER0233 ID:10 Jul 1743 IP:Welbury Parish, Yorkshire, England MD:Nov 1701 MP:Welbury Parish, Yorkshire, England HUS:Edward Trenholme only year given in e-mail | MILLS, Joanna (I42690)
258 | !NAME:Meretta Blair - G W Brownell notes in PANS PARN: of Chapman Settlement !NAME: - 'So Soon Forgotten Three Thousand Fillmores' by Charles Fillmore HUS: | BLAIR, Agatha Maretta (I44279)
259 | !NAME:Phoebe Purdy - BOK0003 HUS:Daniel Strang LIVED:Cortlandt, NY | PURDY, Phoebe (I12716)
260 | !NAME:Robert Trenholm - PER0233 PARN:Edward and Joanna Trenholm CD:11 Oct 1712 CP:Welbury Parish, Yorkshire, England DD:31 May 1779 DP:Falmouth, Hants Co, NS WIF:Jane .. only year given in e-mail date given as birth date in e-mail | TRENHOLM, Robert (I42648)
261 | !NAME:William Coates - PER0233 PARN:Francis and Ann Coates BD:abt 1676/1680 BP:Middleton-on-Leven, Yorkshire, England DD:aft 3 Sept 1723 DP:Hilton, Yorkshire, England WIF:Elizabeth .. | COATES, William (I42761)
262 | !Source: Notes on Lay Family History, Sep 1, 1954 (Stewert Lay). "Edward Samuel - b. about 1608 in England; was recorded in Hartford, Conn. about 1640, where it is stated that he took a grant of land, but failed to prove it and thus lost it. He lived a time in the Saybrook area, but left for Portsmouth, Rhode Island, where he died in 1692. He had married a Martha (surname unknown) and named her in his will, as well as 'His Brother Robert; his brother John's eldest son, John, and to sons of brothers Robert and John'. This will established the fact that the three Lay immigrants were brothers. No mention was made of any of his children, hence we must assume that he died childless and his line ended with his death." | LAY, Edward Samuel (I43834)
263 | !Source: Book on the Lay family found in New York. This is the most recent book and is right on the families and children. They got there information from Vital Statistics, probate court records, land deeds and contracts, wills taken from the public records of the town of Lyme. Settled in Lyme, Conn. A first settler there recorded as 1648. | LAY, Squire John (I43831)
264 | !WIF:Elizabeth Crooke - BOK0006 v1 p20 LIVED:Dedham, MA !BD:abt 1616 - BOK0025 BP:England MD:24 Jun 1645 WIF:Elizabeth Crooke of Roxbury DD:4 Oct 1682 Emigrated from England in 1636 to Dedham, MA with brother Samuel and sister Ann !MD:24 Jun 1645 - IGI0001 MP:Dedham, Norfolk, MA WIF:Elizabeth CrookeFL- !Source:personal records of William B. Oulton. Note regarding the possible birth/baptism date for John: there was a John Guild admitted to church 17 May 1640. | GUILD, John (I9436)
265 | !WIF:Eunice Goodwin (Gooden) - ARC0004 MD: - Marriage Register, Westmorland Co, NB 1790-1856 MP: WIF: of Jolicure, NB NAME: - Catherine Dickie, 18/10/92 BD:1800 DD: IP: MD: WIF: NAME: - Oulton Family Tree, by Gladys Trenholm PARN: BD:1800 DD: MD: WIF: moved to Lorneville NS -RO Lorneville, NS not in 1851 Westmorland Co census 72 in 1871 census | OULTON, Charles (I42904)
266 | " At the residence of the bride's father, Thomas Schurman, Esq., Summerside, by Rev. J.A. Collins, Miss Mary Olivia Schurman / Richard K. Brace, Charlottetown, P.E.I." | Family: Richard Knight BRACE / Mary Olivia SCHURMAN (F26112)
267 | "#192 - Daniel Crawford, widower, parish of Kingston / Blanche Fanny Cox, spinster, parish of Kingston, 8 March 1818, Wit: J. Northrup, ELiza Scovil" | Family: Daniel CRAWFORD / Blanche Fanny COX (F23007)
268 | "'Sudden Death at Kildare' - A very sad and sudden death occurred at Kildare Cape yesterday. Mr. Isaac Cannon aged seventy, a well known and very highly respected resident of that place had got up in the morning as usual, when he suddenly fell back dead upon his bed. He seemed to be in his usual good health and the sad circumstance has caused quite a shock to his wife and other relatives, as well as the whole community. Deceased was a brother of Mr. Silas Raynard Greenmount and of Mr. Otis Cannon of Kildare." | CANNON, Isaac (I96932)
269 | "11 Jan. 1805. Joseph lawful son of Joseph Walker cotton spinner and Jean Irving in Annan was baptized." | WALKER, Joseph (I115939)
270 | "15th Janry. 1773 - David Walker in Ruthwell town, fever, 18 years of age." | WALKER, David (I98299)
271 | "1761, April 19th. John Lawful Son to Thomas Walker & Agnes Frood in Butts of Annan." | WALKER, John (I115998)
272 | "1775, June 23rd, George Walker, Ruthwell, Smallpox, 4 years". His younger brother Robert died the same day, also of Smallpox. | WALKER, George (I106544)
273 | "1775, June 23rd, Robert Walker, Ruthwell, Smallpox, 1 year". His older brother George died the same day, also of Smallpox. | WALKER, Robert (I106308)
274 | "1791 April 24. James lawful son of Joseph Walker cotton spinner and Jean Irving was born, and baptized Sabbath next." | WALKER, James (I115944)
275 | "1806, June 11th Catherine daugr. of Geo. Gibson of Leyb. Bap." | GIBSON, Catherine (I93831)
276 | "1848 22 July. John (Ill.), Robert Walker & Ann McIntosh" | WALKER, John (I116025)
277 | "19 March 1801. John Walker lawful son of Joseph Walker cotton spinner and Jean Irving in Annan was born and baptized the next Sabbath." | WALKER, John (I115943)
278 | "28 March 1794. William lawful son of Joseph Walker cotton spinner & Jean Irving in Annan was born, and baptized the next Sabbath." | WALKER, William (I115942)
279 | "a distinguished student, winning two gold medals, and was valedictorian of his graduating class." | CLAY, William Leslie (I96940)
280 | "A gala day in June, 1848, is thus described in the Islander: - St. Eleanors Bazaar His Excellency Sir Donald Campbell, accompanied by the Hon. Mr. Haviland, left on Monday last for St. Eleanors to be present at the opening of the Bazaar, for the relief of the destitute in that neighborhood, and returned on Wednesday evening. His Excellency went by the way of Tryon and Bedeque, lunched at the residence of John Marshal, Esq., DeSable, inspected the improvements in progress on his model Farm, and his valuable importation of Live Stock from England; drove through the beautiful settlements of DeSable, Crapaud, Tryon and Seven Mile Bay, to the residence of Joseph Pope, Esq. at Bedeque, where, in the absence of Mr. Pope, he was hospitably entertained by his son, Mr. James Pope. On the following morning His Excellency continued his journey through the fertile and picturesque settlement of Bedeque, and was met at Walker’s by a numerous deputation of gentlemen who escorted him to St. Eleanors. Upon approaching Travellers Rest, a large display of flags was observed waving in the wind on the tops of the houses; and on entering the settlement he was received with the cheers of the people, and a discharge of firearms; a triumphal arch was also erected across the road for His Excellency to pass through." | WALKER, David Jr. (I343)
281 | "A Loyalist from New Jersey who arrived in Bedeque in 1784. John was the son of Richard Robins and a brother of Isabel Robins. He is the ancestor of the Robins of Bedeque." (A Sketch Book, by John MacKinnon). The obituary for his son Thomas states that the family settled in Cape Traverse after the Revolutionary War. | ROBINS, John (I70929)
282 | "A notable session was the Commissioner’s Court held here in 1860 by the famous Joseph Howe, Col. John Hamilton Grey and other leading men, to investigate land grievances. Among others who gave evidence before this Court was Ephraim Read who testified that he was the owner of one thousand acres at what is now Read’s Corner; and when asked the value of uncultivated land, replied that “wilderness land is like self-righteousness – the more of it a man has the worse off he is.”" | READ, Ephraim (I99855)
283 | "A sad and distressing accident occurred at Kensington on Tuesday morning attended by fatal consequences. The victim was Doris Kathleen, little daughter of John Walker. While the men of the house were out and while the mother was upstairs dressing the child ran down stairs and it is supposed picked up and lighted a match, which set fire to her highly inflammable clothing. Before the mother could respond to her cries, she was so severely burned that she died about twelve hours later. The sympathy of the community is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Walker in their sad bereavement." | WALKER, Doris Kathleen (I46441)
284 | "a trial and appellate lawyer. He appeared and argued at least 17 cases before the U.S. Supreme Court. Among the California Supreme Court Justices, he was known as "Due Process Lavine"." (these notes from his daughter, Joan Lavine). | LAVINE, Morris (I1210)
285 | "a wheelwright by trade, and is credited with building the first cart to be seen in these parts. It was wholly built of wood and was drawn by a team of oxen". | WALKER, James W. (I342)
286 | "A William Lawrence, step-father, and Nancy Ann ____ had son Marcus Palmer b. DC (Dutchess County) 5 Aug. 1767 who m. Ann Nancy Slocum." | LAWRENCE, William (I1288)
287 | "Abraham Valentine son of James & Eleanor Wiggins, Farmer, Mill Wright, St. Eleanors, bapt. 25 March 1855. J.H. Read." | WIGGINS, Rev. Abraham Valentine (I1916)
288 | "Adam son to John Walker in Ruthwell baptized the 16th day of Decr. 1784." | WALKER, Adam (I115987)
289 | "after a lingering and painfull illness." | MURRAY, Elizabeth (I40723)
290 | "after Banns according to the Form of the Church of Scotland". George was an agricultural labourer, bachelor, Janet a domestic servant, spinster. Janet was living at Comlongon Mains Cottages when they married. The marriage was recorded 11 December, 1870, in Clarencefield. | Family: George ROME / Janet BELL (F24502)
291 | "after Banns according to the Forms of the Church of Scotland". Henry Rorke Agricultural Labourer, Bachelor, Agnes Bell, Field Worker, Spinster. Henry's father was an Agricultural Labourer (deceased), and Agnes' father was a Millwright Journeyman (deceased). Witnesses were David John Gilbertson and Georgina Bell (likely sister of Agnes). The marriage was recorded 21st May 1881 at Clarencefield. | Family: Henry RORKE / Agnes BELL (F24503)
292 | "after Banns according to the Forms of the Church of Scotland". James was a farm servant, widower, and Mary Ann was a spinster. James father, William, was a farm labourer, and Mary Ann's father, Charles, was a master millwright, deceased. The marriage was recorded 1st October 1887 in Clarencefield. | Family: James THOMSON / Mary Ann BELL (F24505)
293 | "Albert PALMER, ex-M.P.P. for Queens Co., died at his residence, Hampstead, Wednesday. Mr. Palmer was first elected to the House of Assembly in 1881 and was again elected in 1886 and 1890. He did not offer for the present house. At the session of 1886 he was elected deputy speaker and during the two Houses satisfactorily discharged the duties of that office, as he had those of warden of the county before he went to the Legislature. Mr. Palmer was born at Hampstead and lived there all his life. For a long time he carried on business as a trader. He married in 1868 Miss Sheloh A. DURGAN of this city. In general politics he was a Liberal. He was probably on the sunny side of 60 years of age." (The Times). "The death of Albert PALMER, which took place at his home in Hampstead (Queens Co.) Saturday last, will be heard with regret. Mr. Palmer was a representative in the local Legislature from Queens Co. from 1882 to 1892, the last six years of which he filled the position of deputy speaker of the house. He also served his native county as councillor and warden. George PALMER, a son of the deceased, at present a clerk in the store of Heustis & White, was called home Saturday and only reached there a few hours before his father's death." (Kings County Record). | PALMER, Albert Norman (I144)
294 | "Alfred son of George Cannon and Sarah Horan his wife of St. Eleanors, was born 19 August, publicly baptized 26 December 1833." | CANNON, Alfred (I99340)
295 | "Alice did not marry. She trained at Roosevelt Hospital School of Nursing, New York City, and was a captain in a nursing unit of the United States Air Force. She lived in Sydney after her retirement in 1958." | KENNEDY, Margaret Alice (I17468)
296 | "Allen was overseas during World War II, and was awarded an O.B.E.-E.D. in 1945. He became a colonel in the Ordinance Corps. He was Director oif Ordinance Services, Army Headquarters, 1947-1951, and Director of Logistics, 1951-1967, when he retired." | SMITH, Allen Turner (I17481)
297 | "Allen was overseas during World War II, and was awarded an O.B.E.-E.D. in 1945. He became a colonel in the Ordinance Corps. He was Director oif Ordinance Services, Army Headquarters, 1947-1951, and Director of Logistics, 1951-1967, when he retired." | SMITH, Allen Turner (I17481)
298 | "Amy Green an adult, bapt. the 11th September 1842." | GREEN, Amy (I13359)
299 | "Angelina daughter of Frederick Cannon and Mary Lyon his wife baptd. 13th July 1851." | CANNON, Angelina (I99296)
300 | "Ann Daughter to Joseph Hetherington and Hellen Nicholson in Clarencefield born Aperille 19th 1813." | HETHERINGTON, Ann (I98411)